The Art of Storytelling

Did you know?

April 6, 2020 – Discovery Park of America is host to a wide range of exhibits, attractions and galleries. These span many historical, scientific and artistic subjects, and it can be incredibly difficult to absorb all of this information at once. One effective method of conveying this information comes in the form of storytelling.

Discovery Park features a heavy amount of storytelling in its exhibits. These include first-hand historical accounts and retellings of legends and myths. We are not alone in this endeavor, as many museums and places of learning embrace storytelling as an avenue for more effective learning.

Why is storytelling so valued in the field of education? There are many reasons, most of which have to do with the structure of a well-told story and its inherent grip on the human imagination. For thousands of years, humans have told stories to share knowledge, inspire action (or fear) and find common ground. They are a mainstay in most cultures.

The psychology behind storytelling is a fairly robust field. Modern research makes clear that transmitting information through storytelling leaves an emotional and even physical effect on listeners. Compelling stories engage more of the brain, and they prove more memorable. Notable examples of storytelling at Discovery Park include first-hand historical accounts found in our Military Gallery and the “Myths and Legends” exhibit found in our Native American Gallery. Stop by Discovery Park to hear these stories for yourself.

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