Health and Safety Guidelines for Employees


Version 4, Updated May 6, 2020


Since Discovery Park of America first closed on March 17, 2020 because of the threat brought on by the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak, our goal has been the safety and welfare of our community, guests and staff and to have frequent and honest communication as together we navigate these unchartered waters. Those goals will continue as we plan and implement Discovery Park’s return to serving guests from around the country.

We plan for a gradual reopening, with room to adjust as we evaluate changing data, input from our local, state and federal government and feedback from our team on the front lines as we begin once again welcoming guests to our museum and park.

A crucial part of our plan is dependent on every individual on the Discovery Park team committing to diligently following the guidelines and protecting themselves, their co-workers and our guests.

This plan will be frequently updated and redistributed as we learn from experience and believe it is safe to open more of the Discovery Park experience to guests.

Screening Before Arrival to Work

All teammates must enter through the South Gate and stop at the health checkpoint at Tram Stop B. During stormy weather conditions, this checkpoint will be at the bottom of the stairs near the loading dock. Teammates reporting to work will be screened for respiratory symptoms and have their body temperature taken as a precautionary measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Everyone will be privately screened, including having his or her temperature taken, when reporting to work. The screening questions are:

  • Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
  • Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat?
  • Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
  • Have you had new loss of taste or smell?
  • Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
  • Do you have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more?

Your temperature and answers to respiratory symptom questions will be documented, and the record will be maintained as a private medical record.

If know you can answer yes to any of those questions, do not come to work. Instead, let your manager know you will be unable to work your shift and we encourage you to utilize the Center for Disease Control’s online self-checker and/or visit one of the COVID-19 testing locations as a precaution. Discovery Park of America leadership is dedicated to allowing you to maintain the confidentiality of your health information.

The same direction applies if you did not realize you had a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more and find out during the screening.

You can return to work when:

  • You have had no fever for at least three (3) days without taking medication to reduce fever during that time; AND
  • Any respiratory symptoms (cough and shortness of breath) have improved for at least three (3) days; AND
  • At least seven (7) days have passed since the symptoms began.

You may return to work earlier if a doctor confirms the cause of your fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 and releases you to return to work in writing.

Entry to the Building

After parking, please enter the rear of the building through the straight ramp. Exit will be through the zig zag ramp only.

Clocking In

When clocking in, please use the QR code you will be provided to clock in before your shift. This will allow you to avoid touching the time clock. Your temperatures will be taken in private in advance of beginning work each day.

Immediately after clocking in or arriving in the building for work, all employees must wash their hands with soap and warm water for 30 seconds or more.

Disposable masks, gloves and pre-packaged alcohol wipes will be placed near the time clock for you to pick up when you arrive and will be available to you throughout the day.

Increased Hygiene Practices

There are many things you can do throughout the day that will offer more protection for you and those you are around.

  • Be sure to wash hands more frequently, avoid touching face, practice good respiratory etiquette by coughing or sneezing into your elbow rather than into the air
  • When guests or teammates are nearby, wear a cloth face covering to help protect against the spread of the virus (these will be provided, or you can wear one you bring from home)
  • Practice recommended social distancing to the greatest extent possible – “Further is safer”
  • If your position requires the use of disposable gloves, be sure to change as often as recommended
  • You will see new hand-sanitizing stations throughout the museum and park. Please use those frequently
  • Social distancing is challenging in many of our jobs in the hospitality sector, but remember to keep as much distance as possible between you and your teammates and our guests


The breakroom is closed for breaks until further notice. You will find microwaves for your use in the catering kitchen and additional tables have been set up outside and in front of the catering kitchen. Please remember to keep as much distance as possible between you and your teammates.

General Operating Guidelines Museum and Park

Every position at Discovery Park has different requirements and requires a different set of operational guidelines, so managers will be working with each department individually on those. However, we do want everyone on the Discovery Park of America team to be aware of some of the guidelines we’ll be implementing as we first reopen to the public.

  • Entry to the park is through the North Gate. Bag checks will still be in effect but will be accomplished while maintaining a distance of six feet or more
  • We’re encouraging guests to purchase tickets online in advance of when they arrive (the discount for online tickets is now 15%). This will allow for “no-touch” admission
  • We are not accepting cash at this time but will be accepting credit and debit cards
  • No signature will be required for any purchases below $300
  • Signage with health and safety instructions will be placed at the North Gate and throughout the park
  • A nurse will be available throughout the day to take the temperature of guests or team members who request it
  • Food service will be provided at Eats ‘n’ Treats with pre-packaged food and beverage and disposable utensils only, and while Discovery Park was closed, the previous restaurant was torn down and a new one built to enable our teammates working there to implement new COVID-19 procedures including social distancing
  • All outdoor tables have been spaced at six or more feet apart
  • We have doubled the number of those working in housekeeping during the day and have a crew that is coming in at night to deep clean, and when we are closed on Tues. and Wed., a large crew is deep cleaning all surfaces in the park.
  • Handless door openers have been installed throughout

We also have these guidelines for rentals and special events.

 Should you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please communicate with your manager or Lisa Glass in Human Resources.