Homekeyboard_arrow_right Never Before Seen Photos of the First, Online “VigilCast” at GracelandNever Before Seen Photos of the First, Online “VigilCast” at Graceland Pin ItElvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. president Jack Soden at Elvis Week 2000 during the recording of the first VigilCast. Pin ItThe crew preparing for the recording of the first AOL VigilCast in 2000. Pin ItCo-hosts Joey Sulipeck and Rod Starnes behind-the-scenes during the rehearsal for the first AOL VigilCast. Pin ItThe annual Candlelight Vigil at Graceland to pay tribute to Elvis Presley. Pin ItCo-host of the first Candlelight Vigil on AOL Joey Sulipeck preparing for the live broadcast. Pin ItScott Williams and Joey Sulipeck preparing for a live broadcast on AOL from Graceland during the annual Candlelight Vigil in 2000. Pin ItPsycobilly icon, actor and Sirius XM DJ, Mojo Nixon, with Joey Sulipeck following Mojo's segment during the VigilCast on AOL in 2000. close keyboard_arrow_right keyboard_arrow_left