Discovery Park of America Unveils New Interactive LED Floor, Bringing Founder’s Vision to Life

(Union City, Tenn., Sept. 3, 2024) — Discovery Park of America has unveiled an addition to Discovery Center. Visitors will now find an interactive LED floor installed on the entry level. The floor was part of founder Robert Kirkland’s original vision for the museum, and space was even made for it during construction. The technology has only recently advanced enough to allow Discovery Park’s exhibits and technology services teams to move forward with installation.

Funding for the floor was made possible by a grant from the Tennessee General Assembly and awarded by the Tennessee State Museum for the purpose of providing grants to museums with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization status or affiliated with a governmental entity for capital maintenance and improvements.

“Robert Kirkland always believed in the power of technology to spark curiosity and wonder,” said Karl Johnson, director of technology services at Discovery Park. “The interactive LED floor is a perfect example of how his forward-thinking ideas continue to shape the experiences we offer our guests today.”

The sensory experience activates with every step, jump or dance triggering a display of lights in a variety of patterns and colors. The interactive LED floor is composed of durable, pressure-sensitive panels that respond to movement, creating an ever-changing display of vibrant patterns and hues. Whether guests walk across it casually or energetically jump and dance, the floor responds instantly, offering visual experiences that are as entertaining as they are engaging. The floor is accessible to all visitors.

Photo caption: Discovery Park visitors from
left to right: Harper Willis, Roman Willis, Eve
Bates, Emmett Bates, Jude Bates and Lydia Bates
exploring the new interactive LED floor.

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