Discovery Park of America hosted the 2024 Northwest Tennessee Native American Educational Powwow this past weekend. The event brought together over 4,000 guests of all ages and over 200 participants who represented Indigenous tribes from 32 different states. The event offered visitors a unique opportunity to experience Native American dancing, art and food while providing a space for tribes to share their traditions.

The weekend began with a free concert by John Lone Eagle and Friends, setting the tone for the days ahead. Friday’s programming focused on education, featuring popular demonstrations like the ‘Birds of Prey’ exhibit from Reelfoot Lake State Park, as well as dance exhibitions and other cultural presentations.

Music filled the air throughout the weekend as Arvel Bird returned with his signature blend of Celtic and Native American melodies, while drum groups Medicine Tail and South Side brought traditional rhythms that energized every competition and kept the dancers in constant motion.

Another returning sound to Discovery Park’s Great Lawn was the drum group Ottertrail, but this time their head singer, Al Santos, served as the emcee for the event. Known now for their appearance on the Disney+ TV show Echo, Ottertrail performed some of the Grammy award-winning songs that have made them famous. Al Santos went beyond his musical role, educating the audience about the significance of each competition, the meaning behind elements of the dancers’ regalia and more.

Crowd involvement was nonstop, with a special moment before each grand entry where all veterans in attendance were invited to participate. The powwow concluded on Sunday with a closing ceremony and the announcement of the dance contest winners. For those who missed out, Discovery Park’s Flickr page offers a gallery of photos capturing the essence of the event.

Winners of the competition portion of the Powwow were:

Golden Age Women:

  1. Bernice Bottchenbaugh
  2. Sharon Partin
  3. Ruth Gray Horse

Golden Age Men:

  1. Rick Bottchenbaugh
  2. Dean Swimmer
  3. Grady Jones

Women’s Cloth:

  1. Megan Zamora
  2. Angel Thompson
  3. Kirsten Solomon

Women’s Jingle:

  1. Roxanne Evans

Women’s Fancy:

  1. Brianna Printup

Men’s Straight:

  1. Oliver Plumley
  2. Nicholas Behan

Men’s Traditional:

  1. Kerry Reed
  2. Chuck Mesteth
  3. Tommy Smith

Girl’s Cloth:

  1. Adyson Jennings

Girl’s Jingle:

  1. Yannabah Poola
  2. Harmony Black Bear
  3. Tayla Smith

Girl’s Fancy:

  1. Lilymay Reed
  2. Caylin McCann

Boy’s Traditional:

  1. Kayden French

Boy’s Grass:

  1. Eli Poola
  2. Lakoa Reed

Boy’s Fancy:

  1. Chubbs Poola
  2. Ehren Bell

Men’s Grass:

  1. Stephan White Eagle

Men’s Fancy:

  1. Marcus Gardner
  2. Adam Bell

For more photos from the 2024 Northwest Tennessee Native American Powwow, check out the gallery below or visit our Flickr page.