Employees celebrate 5 and 10-year work anniversaries with Discovery Park of America
October 25, 2023

On Thursday, Oct. 19, Discovery Park of America recognized employees who have celebrated five and ten-year anniversaries with the museum and heritage park. All 10-year honorees received a solid-brass, early Victorian-style telescope. All 5-year honorees received a solid-brass compass in a hand-made wooden box that featured an inlaid compass rose.
These four celebrated their fifth year at Discovery Park.
Left to right: CEO Scott Williams, Kaitlyn Sanders, Sarah Glass and Ginger Ogden.
Here from the beginning, thanks for inspiring others to see beyond for 10 years.
From left to right, top to bottom: David Eastep, Tammy Ursery, Glenn Heatherly, John Watkins, Hugh Wade, Tom Pyron, Art Chivers, Lisa Love, Samantha Simbeck, Gloria Harris and Lisa Sears.
Not pictured: Mary Nita Bondurant, Judy Anding, Mike Ramsey and Jeanne McMillen